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Edit Merged Cards Inside DocBoss

In this article we’ll discuss the concept of cards and how to edit them. Sometimes, users may need to edit merged cards. In the Card List, select the Edit icon from the Tools column in the row for the merged card. This can be done from other screens that show...

Automated Expediting With DocBoss

The expediting module is a very useful aspect of DocBoss. Expediting is done in a global sense, not from within each project however you can choose to expedite only one project. For a background on expediting within DocBoss, check out an article we wrote entitled Run...

Working With Custom Levels in DocBoss

What is a level in DocBoss? The Level is an attribute that DocBoss uses to group data from the Equipment List of a project. Before we discuss levels in DocBoss, let’s use a comparison to describe how they work. Imagine a collection of fruit. There are many ways...