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5 Popular DocBoss Articles To Check Out In MarchThe DocBoss blog features articles that show many benefits of DocBoss while also discussing common issues that document controllers experience, and how DocBoss addresses them.

Here are 5 of the most popular blog posts we’ve written that consistently get the most views at including a product release update from Q3 2024.

  • Getting Started (for New Users) – Are you a new DocBoss customer? Are you considering using DocBoss for your document control work and wonder what existing customers have access to? Check out this article to see how to get started and more specifically, how easy (and helpful) it is to use DocBoss for your EPC projects.

  • Enable Support Access – DocBoss offers professional support for all customers to help you get the best out of your subscription. This article discusses how you can enable DocBoss support staff to access your account for 24 hours to help you with a specific issue. You can turn this feature on and off as needed.

  • Release Notes – September 2024 – DocBoss routinely adds new functionality that all customers have access to once it is released. Not only does DocBoss take care of all hosting and maintenance of DocBoss, we also add new features and benefits regularly at no extra cost. All paid DocBoss customers have access to every new feature, all the time. There is no Gold or Premium package or other higher cost add on with DocBoss. All customers get access to the exact same benefits!

  • Single Sign-On (SSO) and User Provisioning – DocBoss has added Single Sign On that you can enable if desired. This article discusses how to do so, and why you might want to activate this feature. Plus, this article gives options if you utilize Microsoft Entra, Okta or Ping as DocBoss can help you work with each of these, too.

  • Project Setup: Quick List of Steps – Every project setup in DocBoss, regardless of how simple or how complicated the requirements are, follows the same basic workflow. This article describes this workflow and illustrates how easy it is. Once you’ve done it one time, you’ll see how easy it is each time!