Usually when a copy or sheet is created from a card, the new card is expected to be a different, but related document.
It is possible to create a full copy of a card (as a copy or as a sheet), including the active file and all of its history, following the steps below.
Please note, this is not recommended in most situations, as it creates multiple workflows for a single document, which are not linked together.
An alternative to consider, depending on the desired outcome, is Temporary Cards. These allow for simultaneous submittals of a document to different targets.
1. Select either Create copy or Create sheet, depending on the desired outcome.
2. Make note of the document number for the new card.
3. Click the History icon on the original card.
4. On the File History screen, click Move active file to a different card.
5. Click Continue.
6. Enter the document number from step #2 (for the new card) in the search bar, and hit Enter. Select the card from the list (it should be the only one – if not, review another value such as tag list or card name to find the match). Click Continue.
7. On the Processing form, ensure Move history is selected, then save. The new card now has a copy of the file and history.
8. Stay on the File History screen for the original card. Sort the file history with the Recorded column so that the most recent entry is at the top. In the row for the second most recent entry, select Revert file and meta-data. This returns the file and history to the original card, without affecting the new card.
9. Review the Active SEND Record and Active RETURN Record entries on both cards (original and new). This is an additional column on the File History screen for each card. Enable any SEND or RETURN records that are still required, if they are not already enabled, by clicking on the Y/N icons to toggle the record’s visibility on/off (for cover pages and index reports).