by Brad Bowyer | May 28, 2021 | Document Control
Do you provide custom data books to customers at the end of projects? For many suppliers of process equipment it’s a time-consuming job and one they don’t look forward to at any time. There are a number of benefits to providing data books to your customers...
by Carl Mueller | May 21, 2021 | Document Control
Some customers have requested that they identify the process which they will be submitting the documents of a transmittal. We have added a selection called Delivery Medium strictly for output purposes on transmittals. There is no functional impact of this...
by Brad Bowyer | May 14, 2021 | Document Control
We are noticing that some companies are moving away from a typical Document Control department. For some companies it is not always feasible to have an entire department strictly dedicated to document control on their projects. So to streamline, they are dispersing...
by Carl Mueller | May 7, 2021 | Document Control
DocBoss ensures your customers receive and access the documentation you send them. If you still use Microsoft Excel for document control as many companies do, you might be surprised about the automation that DocBoss offers to save you doing work manually. Here are 11...
by Brad Bowyer | May 4, 2021 | Document Control
As a Document Control Lead for an Engineering company, I was often tasked with assisting in the estimating of Document Control costs for my group. It was a huge challenge trying to predict how much time and effort would be required. A lot of our job was reactionary at...