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Internal Document Approval Cycle Made Easy

Internal approval is often of interest to companies who are doing some engineering on behalf of their customer. They want to work with their suppliers to ensure the documents are correct, prior to sending them on to their customer. When enabled, an internal approval...

Bulk Attach Library Documents

Bulk attach library documents from requirements screen For material certifications or instruction manuals etc, you can automate the attachment of library documents to document cards with DocBoss. Click the attach icon on the requirement page for any given document...

Add A Stamp To Documents (Document Control)

In some cases, customers require that stamps are placed directly onto the document, rather than the addition of a cover page. DocBoss enables users to upload stamp templates, and stamp documents. The same variables as used on cover pages can be used in stamp...

How Does DocBoss Compare?

How does DocBoss compare to other methods of handling document control such as an Electronic Document Management System (EDMS), CAD/Design Software and Sharepoint? Well, let’s compare the following: Workflow – Making/Receiving Submittals...

Customized Document Control Work? No problem!

What can DocBoss do for you? If you are a manufacturer, fabricator or rep of process equipment – such as the products mentioned in the word cloud above – and find that the documentation you provide to customers at the end of projects is time-consuming,...