by Carl Mueller | Mar 21, 2022 | Document Control
One issue with using Microsoft Excel or other non-document control specific application is that it’s difficult if not impossible to limit access to the project to any degree. If someone has access to the Excel spreadsheets, they can change them any way they like...
by Carl Mueller | Jan 14, 2022 | Document Control
Below is the series of steps along with screenshots of the expedite process offered by DocBoss along with the reporting features and email functionality. Start Expedite Process Expediting is done in a global sense, not from within each project. You can of course...
by Carl Mueller | Jan 2, 2022 | Document Control
Stage management “For Approval” checkbox on stage On the stage lists, users can enable a single checkbox called “For Approval”. This has a singular purpose: On the project dashboard, there is a new lens called For Approval. If you mark off...
by Carl Mueller | Dec 10, 2021 | Document Control
Manual Cards for Tagged Equipment Add Manual cards (link to either major tags or tagged equipment) Manual cards allow users to add (or upload) cards, while manually selecting the appropriate doc codes, and tags. This function has existed strictly for use with the...
by Carl Mueller | Nov 30, 2021 | Document Control
Do you work with customers who speak a language other than English? Do you receive documents in a language other than English? DocBoss allows you to create and manage multiple versions of a single card. Generally, this is required when different language version of a...