DocBoss 2022 Year In Review

As 2022 draws to a close, we thought we would highlight some of the key events that happened this year with DocBoss. Focused largely on tagged equipment, DocBoss minimizes the manual work required to deliver project documentation. As such, our customers previously...

DocBoss Welcomes SCG Process

DocBoss is pleased to announce SCG Process as our newest customer. SCG Process is an OEM representative of process control and treatment system brands across Canada with offices in Toronto and London, ON as well as Langley, BC and Edmonton, AB. They have the...

Oil Demand And Price Projections From McKinsey

McKinsey has produced a new report for oil demand and price projections into 2025. While oil inventories remain high and volatility is expected to remain for several years, they expect usage to pick up to pre-COVID levels later this year or in 2022 at the latest: Oil...
Pump Selection White Paper

Pump Selection White Paper

Most industry estimates peg energy as the largest single factor in pump life cycle cost — ranging from 40 percent to as high as 90 percent depending on the pump style and application. Pumps & Systems While US consumption of electricity dropped sharply in 2020 due...

Severe Service Valves Market To Contract

One of the harder hit process equipment sectors due to COVID is the severe service valve sector, according to Valve World. More specifically, they state that given current circumstances, projections will be difficult and will need to be updated frequently as the...