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Definition of DocBoss User Access LevelsYou can configure DocBoss in terms of user numbers whichever way you require. As you grow you can easily adjust up the user levels but can also choose what level of access each user gets.

There are 3 user access levels available in DocBoss and you can choose whichever numbers you like depending on your needs.

Sorted by increasing levels of access, the user levels are as follows:


  • Full view access. Run reports, view/downloads.
  • Generally for managers/supervisors


  • All view, plus:
  • Can upload documents, and participate in review routing/approvals (be assigned documents)
  • Generally project managers, engineers, drafter


  • All review, plus:
  • Full project access. Create transmittals, setup / edit project details.
  • Generally doc control leads / project management leads and/or project coordinators.
  • Or any user who needs to make submittals.
  • Add new users, define system settings, and change template ownership.

Again, you can configure your user numbers as you like and can adjust them over time whenever the need arises.