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A few weeks back we spoke on the topic of document indexing by tag in DocBoss. Here’s an updated article on a related topic.

Our new output format lists the units on a project and cross-references the documents each unit is linked to. Users can create reports showing the status of linked documents for each unit.

Sometimes we are trying to generate a document index by equipment:


This option for SDI Report templates combines the list of equipment units with card metadata in a pivot-style output by doc code.

List of equipment units

On the Index template, in order to include the equipment units, use the variable options from the <Start_AllUnits>/<End_AllUnits> arrays (under the TYPE=CoverPage tab in the XLS Template Variables document).

See below:



Optionally, the parameter GroupBy=FIELD can be included in <Start_AllUnits> to group data from multiple units into a single field (list) output (ie. |GroupBy=Tag).

Doc code list and card meta-data

Variables for doc code list and card cross-reference metadata should be included between the arrays <CStart_DocumentCodesCount> / <CEnd_DocumentCodesCount>, which must be placed in a separate column at the start and at the end of the list of variables.


Doc codes

Project document codes can be listed horizontally using the available DocumentCodesCount variables:



For example, if you wish to show the doc codes and the doc code names the variables should be included in the column header.


Card metadata

Card cross-reference metadata variables can be added using the following format:

<AllUnits.DocCodeCards.<DocumentCodesCount.Index>.*****> (where ***** should be replaced by a cover page variable).

Most variables are supported, but if there are no results, check the list of available variables listed on the TYPE=Index tab in the Pivot Output – Units to Codes section.

If multiple cards match the code to unit matrix, the data will output in a comma separated list for each card.
For example, if 3 cards matched the code and unit and variable is status, the output would be card1.status, card2.status, card3.status.

For example, if you wish to show the card status, the variables should be placed on the same line as the AllUnits variables.



This layout will show the status of each card cross-referenced with each equipment unit.  2023-12-20_18-41-32.png