You can add eSignatures to documents within DocBoss and can also be alerted to pending eSignatures to keep you updated on their status.
Users can subscribe to alerts which will be issued when cards require their eSignatures. On the user profile, expand the Email Notifications area and enable the checkbox.
Grids and Columns
Equipment list: Added column filters.
Relationships: Added column filter for contact name.
Card List and Multi-Project Status: Added column showing the current file name (the most recent file name in the card history – either uploaded or issued).
Project (Main) Change log
A link which will display changes made to the main project fields has been added to the bottom of the project (main) screen.
Want to learn more? Here are several additional articles on how eSignatures work in DocBoss:
How To Generate (or Upload) eSignature Certificates
Apply eSignatures to Outgoing Submittal With DocBoss
Set eSignature Requirements Per Document Code (or Card) in DocBoss