Navigate to Outgoing Submittals > Submittals.

Select the Auto-Reclaim Submittal icon from the Tools column for the submittal containing the documents to be reclaimed.


In the pop up screen, (1) select the applicable documents, and (2) select Reclaim.


A confirmation message will appear. Select Continue.


You will be redirected to the Apply Status & Routing screen. From here, (1) select the documents to be processed, and (2) select whether to process them individually (if different status and/or routing for each document) or in bulk (for documents to which the same status and routing will be applied).


Select the appropriate doc status, apply a routing if required, then save to apply the changes.


After all documents selected for auto-reclaim have been processed, a popup message will appear advising this, and the Unprocessed grid will not show any cards. The auto-reclaim process is complete.

To return to the auto-reclaimed submittal in the future, navigate to Incoming Documents and select the submittal from Files from Customer > Existing Submittals.
