We’ve already spoken in the past about how DocBoss differentiates between markups and comments in your submittal packages that are produced at the end of projects.
Here are a few more ideas you can take advantage of within DocBoss when working with markups and comments.
Including markups in outgoing submittals and compilations
Markup notes can be included in the outgoing submittal. A page will be added to the outgoing document with a list of the comments (numbered). This is to ensure that recipients are aware of all annotations.
By option, this will be available on the outgoing submittal screen but by default, they will NOT be included in compilations (can be added )

Option to include comments page on submittal
An option is available in the Transmittal section of the output settings area of the main project setup. You have the option to include the comment pages.

Option to include comments page on Compilation
For the Compilation, you have the option to Include Markups (only) or Include Markups add the Comments Page. By default it will not include either. You will not see the Add Comments Page option unless the Include Markups is checked.