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Quickly Add Stamps To Outgoing DocBoss DocumentsIn some cases, customers require that stamps are placed directly onto the document, rather than, or in addition to a cover page.

DocBoss allows users to upload stamp templates, and stamp documents.

The same variables as used on cover pages can be used in stamp templates.

Let’s Do It!

  1. Upload stamp template
  2. Select a stamp on your project
  3. Define the stamp preference for each doc code
  4. Apply a stamp

1. Upload stamp template

(*Note on the excel template do not center on page)

Navigate to Output Templates


  1. Click “+” to add new template
  2. Name the template
  3. Select Stamp as Template Type
  4. Add description
  5. Select Template File Format (typically Excel)
  6. Browse to your file
  7. Click Upload
  8. Define the default size of the stamp. The values will auto-populate but you can adjust accordingly. (Width cannot be greater than 8in.)
  9. Select Date Format – Use Instance Default or select options from drop down menu
  10. Select to use this template as Defaults for new projects
  11. Save


NOTE: On submission, DocBoss will notify the user if the data filled stamp will occupy a larger space than the default size. This can occur if a field has “auto height” to accommodate variable tag lists.

2. Select a stamp on your project

A new option is available in the output settings area of the Main project setup. To use a stamp on a project, you must select the stamp here.


3. Define the stamp preference for each doc code

Click here to read our article about cover page/stamp preferences on each doc code.


4. How to apply a stamp

Click here to check out our article about applying stamps on your documents.