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Supporting Remote Work In The Oil & Gas BusinessHow can oil and gas companies ensure that their documentation processes are accessible and secure for remote workers, who may be located in different regions or time zones?

As the oil and gas industry becomes increasingly digitized and decentralized, remote work is becoming more common.

However, remote work in the oil and gas industry presents unique challenges related to security, collaboration, and data access. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the ways that oil and gas companies can support remote work and ensure that their documentation processes are accessible and secure.

  1. Implement cloud-based document management systems

One of the most important steps that oil and gas companies can take to support remote work is to implement cloud-based document management systems. This will allow remote workers to access important documents and data from anywhere in the world, as long as they have an internet connection. Cloud-based systems also offer built-in security features that can help protect sensitive data from breaches or cyber attacks.

DocBoss was designed as a web-based app long before COVID hit and the cloud aspect of it is immediately noticeable.

  1. Use collaboration tools to enhance communication

Collaboration tools such as project management software and video conferencing tools, can help remote workers stay connected and communicate effectively. These tools can be especially useful for oil and gas companies that have employees working in different time zones or regions. By using collaboration tools, remote workers can share information, update documentation, and work together on projects in real-time.

One of the aspects of document control that can be difficult to monitor over time is tracking changes especially when you have staff located in different locations whether working at home or around the world. DocBoss tracks all changes and since each user is a named user, you always know who made what changes and when.

  1. Establish clear policies and procedures

To ensure that remote work is effective and secure, oil and gas companies should establish clear policies and procedures for remote workers. This can include guidelines for data access and security, as well as protocols for communication and collaboration. By establishing clear policies and procedures, companies can help ensure that remote workers are working effectively and that data is secure.

DocBoss helps to add structure to document control and help you formalize practices that might not be consistent if you’re using a manual app such as Microsoft Excel to do the work.

  1. Use multi-factor authentication

Multi-factor or two-factor authentication is an important security measure that can help protect sensitive data from unauthorized access. By requiring remote workers to use multi-factor authentication (MFA) to access company systems and data, oil and gas companies can ensure that only authorized personnel are accessing important information.

DocBoss users can easily select MFA to improve the level of security that you have every time you login.

  1. Conduct regular security audits

Regular security audits are a critical component of any effective remote work program. These audits can help identify potential vulnerabilities in the system and ensure that all data is being handled and secured appropriately. By conducting regular security audits, oil and gas companies can help protect sensitive data from breaches or cyber attacks.

Being a web-based application, security audits are something that we handle for you and is done automatically to ensure the highest level of security at all times.


Remote work presents unique challenges for oil and gas companies. However, with the right tools, policies, and procedures in place, remote work can be an effective and secure way for employees to work from anywhere in the world.

By implementing a cloud-based document management system like DocBoss, you are getting the benefits of using a collaboration tool, establishing clear policies and procedures, using multi-factor authentication, and conducting regular security audits all in one.