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Working With Manual Cards In DocBoss

What is a card in DocBoss? A card is essentially a placeholder for the actual documents. Like a file folder, if you will. It contains all of the history and revisions of a particular document, as well as the most current version of the document and its metadata. Click...

Creating A Temporary Card In DocBoss

Creating a temporary card allows users to track two workflows, and combine them back together after the temporary workflow is completed. For example, if a drawing is returned from the customer with status “Approved with Comments, Resubmit”, the user can continue the...

How To Add Document Codes to a Project

In DocBoss, the Code List (Requirements) screen shows the list of document types that will be managed on the project. This list is often provided by the customer. If the customer does not have their own doc codes, users can add codes from their internal company list....