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Output Settings In DocBoss (How To Use Them)

What are output settings in DocBoss and when do you use this feature? This section allows you to select your templates (to use for outgoing documents, Cover Pages, Transmittals, Transmittal Emails, etc). If your customer has a specific template that they have...

How to Enable Expediting for a Project

This is an updated articled on how to enable expediting for a project inside DocBoss which was first posted back in 2021. From inside a project, navigate to the Project Menu > Setup > Expedite Settings [If you don’t see the Expedite Settings menu item, it...

Adding A New Company In DocBoss

How does DocBoss treat the idea of a “Company?” It depends on the situation. A Company in DocBoss is a generic corporate entity. The following are examples of Companies: – Customer (company to whom you submit your documents or an EndUser) – Sub-Supplier...