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Reference Date Abbreviation Definitions In DocBoss

Here’s a short post that explains some of the main abbreviations we use inside DocBoss for reference dates. Reference Date Abbreviations AS: After shipment (based on ship date on equipment list/major tag) BS: Before shipment (based on ship date on equipment...

Impact of Change Order (Order Details)

Below we’ll discuss how DocBoss handles a change in order details during a particular project you’re working on. When a change is made to Order Detail, DocBoss will present only cards which will be VOIDED (considered Obsolete) by the order detail changes....

Ignored Values (Placeholders) Inside DocBoss Updated

This is an updated article that discusses ignored values (placeholders) inside DocBoss. If a user uploads an equipment list that includes placeholder values in the Tag field (NA, N/A, etc.), they can add these values under Admin > Other Lists > Ignored Values to...

Managing Permissions Inside DocBoss

Permissions may only be managed from the Manage Users screen. Note that there is a View Permissions screen from the instance menu, but it is READ ONLY and is available to all user types. To edit user permissions, you must have an admin role.  To get here: Open the...