Expediting is a function within DocBoss that is handled on a global basis but you can also activate it on a project basis, too.
Where to find it?
These settings are inside each project in the Setup > Expediting Settings area.
Target and Recipients
Users must enable the targets they wish to expedite. The default is for customers and outstanding actions (defaults can be changed on the admin template). They must also select a report format (html or Excel).
As selections are made, additional grids will appear showing the actual companies to expedite.
You must:
1: Ensure the company is enabled.
2: Click the tools icon to create/select the distribution list for the recipients
Note: The list of supplier is pulled from the equipment list, major tags, and any cards with a manually defined sub-supplier override.
Cards Grouping / Sorting
Users can decide how the expediting report will appear to customers with the options in this section. Note that the report layouts are only configurable with these options – they have fixed layouts and are not (currently) individually customizable (columns, spacing etc).
By Sent Submittal
By Due Date
By Document Code
Template Selection
Email templates can be selected for each project, for each target. The are created in the admin templates area. The default values are defined in the admin area also.
To edit or create a new email template follow the steps from article: Create a New Email Template
Check out this related article on expediting to learn more: How To Use The Expediting Feature In DocBoss