Supplier v EPC
Why is Vendor Documentation so Painful?
Download the survey results.
Every company submitting documents to an engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) partner faces the same problems: large volumes of manual work, coupled with complex (or unclear) expectations and procedures.
This often leads to time-consuming rework, which can be frustrating for both parties. The conventional solution is to simply muddle through, adding expensive resources and extra cost to the project, eroding profit margins and tarnishing valuable relationships.
The survey examines the attitudes, experiences and suggested remedies and alternatives on both sides of the vendor documentation divide.
What do EPCs think?
Dealing with suppliers is messy and iterative.
What do suppliers think?
Dealing with EPCs is slow and costly.
What do you think?
Read the survey results and let us know your experience.
Focused largely on tagged equipment, DocBoss minimizes the manual work required to deliver project documentation.
We are here to answer any questions you may have about DocBoss and how we can help you improve your document control workflow.
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Calgary AB Canada
T2J 5N8