While not the ideal solution, many companies manage project documentation using Excel. Here are 5 quick tips to consider if you are among them:
- Build the entire document register upfront.
Without this step, you are just flying by the seat of your pants.In DocBoss, we rely on a key phrase:
We must supply ONE {docname} for every {tag, unit, drawing, heat number etc..}.
i.e. “We must supply one {instrument data sheet} for every {tag}”This simple phrase will help you determine exactly how many registers to create for each type of document.
- Build the entire document register upfront.
- Use mail merge from the supplier document index (SDI)
With a small programming effort in excel, you can create a column in your SDI where you enter a “Y” to indicate you want to submit them. With a button push, you can create a word doc with all of your cover pages filled in while simultaneously marking the docs as transmitted in your SDI. Still lots of work left to PDF/and merge, but your SDI will never be out of date (on sending anyway). Not an excel/ programming wizard – post a project here [link to elance]. I’d bet you can get it built for under $1000.
- Use mail merge from the supplier document index (SDI)
- Have a “status” column which shows whether the register is active or not.
Your order will change. When you update your register (maybe this doc is no longer required – or that doc is now contained in this one) you will be able to tell your customer what has happened to each register. Don’t delete them! Color is a good way (turn the row grey), or user strike through if they are no longer accurate.
- Have a “status” column which shows whether the register is active or not.
- Ensure your SDI (Supplier Document Index) remains accurate after change orders.
Changes to tags, quantities etc wreak havoc on the SDI. When you have a change order, head right over the the SDI, and update all effected registers. Change tag numbers, add new registers etc. CTRL-H is a good tool here. See number 3 if you don’t need a register anymore.
- Ensure your SDI (Supplier Document Index) remains accurate after change orders.
- Use VBA to make your inbound transmittal folders.
Yes – kind of a corollary to number 1, but this help in the opposite direction. There is a very small piece of code you put under a button in excel (call it, for example, “incoming transmittal”). Before just dumping docs into a folder for later processing, put them into a “pending” folder. Then open your SDI, and put a “Y” in the column from #1. Then click the button. Your SDI can be automatically updated, and the folder created automatically. If make yourself a rule to never create doc folders manually, you’ll always have an up to date SDI.
- Use VBA to make your inbound transmittal folders.
Or I guess, buy DocBoss.
Here are a few more Excel-related articles that might interest you:
4 Quick Tips For Using Excel For Your Document Control Work