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Document Control Resources You Can Use NowDocBoss was built by your industry peers – we know how rigid the rules can be for submitting vendor documentation to engineering companies (and the rejection that comes with it). We guarantee you’ll smile during our demo!

Before that though, you might want to take a step back and learn more about how DocBoss can help you specifically. With that in mind, we have assembled some free resources below for you to get started.

Download Our Document Control Survey

Every company submitting documents to an engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) partner faces the same problems: large volumes of manual work, coupled with complex (or unclear) expectations and procedures.

This often leads to time-consuming rework, which can be frustrating for both parties. The conventional solution is to simply muddle through, adding expensive resources and extra cost to the project, eroding profit margins and tarnishing valuable relationships.

We surveyed 106 respondents including 45 from supplier organizations and 61 from EPCs. The survey examines the attitudes, experiences and suggested remedies and alternatives on both sides of the vendor documentation divide.

Click here to instantly download our complimentary PDF survey now,

Quick Tip Videos

Click here to view a series of quick tip DocBoss videos that displays popular functions and how to do them. Among other things, we’ll discuss topics like:

  • Compilation settings
  • Editing document numbers
  • Editing document revision numbers
  • Editing sequence numbers

Compare DocBoss With Other Options

You can choices for document control. Many people use Microsoft Excel and leave it at that. And for many companies, that’s all they need.

But once projects get more complex and time-consuming with customized requirements from your customers in terms of documentation, Excel can be difficult to achieve the necessary results from. At some point, you may need a professional alternative.

Click here to access our comparison page where we show you how DocBoss stacks up against EDMS, CAD/Design Software and Sharepoint, for document control.

Ready to learn more? Drop us a line and set up a free 15 minute call to discuss your document control pain points.