How much time do you spend searching for engineering documents related to your projects? If you don’t know offhand you’re not alone. Research has shown that workers may spend around 1 full work day per week searching for information:

The average interaction worker spends an estimated 28 percent of the workweek managing e-mail and nearly 20 percent looking for internal information or tracking down colleagues who can help with specific tasks. 


For large, customized engineering projects it can be more difficult to manage documentation with the constant in and outflow of documentation between you and your customers. How do you keep track of the latest document version let alone every other document that you work with?

Fortunately, DocBoss can help. DocBoss tracks and monitors all documents and offers workflow functionality so you know where every document is in the process at all times. Every DocBoss user is a named user with their own login so you can always tell who made the latest revision and who made changes to every document in case you need to understand who did what.

And managing key performance indicators (KPIs)? DocBoss does that too. You can learn more about your efficiency on projects and see how you can do things better.

Assignment Activity (By User)

DocBoss has created a report to easily track and view document controllers KPI’s. In the report you will find information which you can filter by date, User, Project ID, Sales Order/Quote number, Project, incoming Assignments (from Customer, Sub-Supplier, and 3rd party), as well as Uploads via Outstanding Actions.

Simply navigate to: Settings>Reports>Assignment Activity (By User)


Choose your date range


View and filter the report as desired.


Does this pique your interest? Contact us to learn more. You can set up a free online demo so we can show you how DocBoss can help you specifically get a better handle on your document control work.