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How To Create Multi-Project Tiles In DocBossDocBoss allows users to create a tile on the Project Dashboard which contains the data from many projects.

Create multi-project tile

On the Project Dashboard, select Add Tile.


Enter a name for the tile and select whether to add projects by dynamic selection, static selection, or both.


If Dynamic selection is checked, users select applicable criteria. The list of projects assigned to the tile will be automatically updated as projects change. To preview the filter results, select the View matching projects option, on the bottom right of the page.

If Static selection is checked, users select each project to add to the card individually.

  • Select the checkbox for the projects to include
  • From the bottom right of the projects grid, select Add projects. A second grid will appear showing the selected projects. These can be removed if needed (but will still be included if they meet the requirements for dynamic selection).

Select Save and continue. A preview will appear showing three tabs:


Select Done to apply the changes and save. The new tile will be added to Pinned projects on the Project Dashboard.