Add Custom Library Fields In DocBossWe’ve spoken in the past regarding the DocBoss library feature and how it can be used to store documents that you can use in the future to access to save time and effort.

Popular articles we’ve written on our templates features include:

Template Updates To DocBoss For You To Use

Template Troubleshooting, Tips and Tricks In DocBoss,

Selecting And Editing Emails Template By Project

Select Cover Page Templates and Settings on Project to name a few.

In this article, we’ll focus on adding custom library fields so that you can have all necessary fields for each project and customer.

By default, the library includes the following fields:

  • Sub-supplier*
  • Sub-supplier doc name*
  • Sub-supplier doc ref number
  • Supplier doc name*
  • Affiliate*
  • Review period
  • Folder* (user-defined list)
  • Web address (source)
  • Keywords (for query)

Note: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Any additional information users would like to track can be added as custom fields:

  1. From the System menu, select CustomizationLibrary card fields.
  2. Select Add field to create a new custom field, or select the Edit icon from the Tools column to make changes to an existing custom field.
  3. Enter a Name for the field.
  4. Select a Type from the dropdown (text, date, or list).
  5. To mark the field as required for all library documents (optional), select Required.
  6. Select Save.

2023-05-12_21-54-40 library card.png

The field(s) will then be available to use in the DocBoss library.