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Automated Expediting With DocBoss.The expediting module is a very useful aspect of DocBoss. Expediting is done in a global sense, not from within each project however you can choose to expedite only one project.

For a background on expediting within DocBoss, check out an article we wrote entitled Run the Expedite Process and Send Emails.

DocBoss enables users to expedite overdue cards from any project to any of the following groups (targets):

  1. Customers
  2. Suppliers
  3. 3rd Parties
  4. Outstanding actions

Once you enable the project for expediting and define the distribution lists for each company, you navigate to the system expediting window. From there, you can customize the layout of reports, and preview/send project specific expediting emails all in one sequence.

More background information on expediting

Interested to learn more about expediting within DocBoss? To get started, check out the articles below:

How to Enable Expediting for a Project

Expediting – Options and Settings

Run the Expedite Process and Send Emails

Expediting Options And Settings Within DocBoss