For most of us, offices have been shut down for over a year now and we have been working from home. Technology advancements have made working from home easy if you know what is available!
Especially if you are using a cloud-based system, such as DocBoss for document control.
If you have an Internet connection, you can access everything you need to get your job done! Using DocBoss helps to mitigate any concerns regarding lack of control over documents. Since DocBoss is web-based, you can log in anywhere in the world and continue project work as normal.
Whether you are in an office setting or not, the control you have over documentation does not change because DocBoss still runs the same as if you were sitting in your air-conditioned office with all of your peers.
Also assisting in the ability to work remotely over the past 10 years, many companies have moved away from hard copies altogether. Now more than ever before, working from home is not only possible but it is a viable option for many people.
DocBoss turns your hard-to-keep-track-of paper documents into an electronic version that is stored in the cloud and can be accessed by you anytime you like. If you need a paper copy, you can use the batch printing feature to print projects out in full.
For me personally, it has always been a dream to have the ability to work remotely. No more commute, save on gas money/parking, no packing lunches, no more having to sit in a cubicle mere feet from that one guy who slurps his drinks and brings Surströmming sandwiches for lunch!
Or possibly even worse yet – being cubicle neighbors with the person who cut their nails at their desk! Saying goodbye to “cube life” would never be a hard choice for me to make!
Again, personally speaking, the downside of working from home for me is missing the convenience of being able to just pop into someone’s office to ask a quick question, or to simply share a smile and hello as you are passing others in the hallway. But again, with the advancements of technology and the ability to chat and video conference, we can still communicate effectively without being physically nearby.
What a time to be alive!
We’ve done some testing to see what works best for us and found that Teams beats out GoToMeetings for video/screen sharing. We use Slack all day long for inter-company chat. We tried using Teams for chat, but it was nowhere near as functional as Slack. We also use RingCentral for phone calls, and it seems to be working well for us. With all of these tools, communication is no issue.
What tools do you find most useful when working from home? We would love to hear other opinions.