If project documents are an important part of your work, you already know the value of protecting and storing them. The question is….
Also, how long do you have to store them? Paper storage can get very cumbersome and expensive to protect and store.
What if you need to access them in a year from now or perhaps 3 years from now?
And if a project is put on hold and then restarted, you might need to refer back to old project documents and then scramble to find them and figure out which document is the most recent.
This is especially true if people who worked on the project no longer work with your company or if your customers’ staff have changed, too.
What can you do?
How DocBoss stores your project data
Let’s discuss how DocBoss stores your project data so you can compare it to how you currently handle this work yourselves.
Here is how DocBoss stores your project data so it’s available now and in the future:
Physical – You have physical access to your project data as long as you’re a DocBoss customer but have options to take the projects with at any time. You can keep the projects on DocBoss servers if you like. You can also download your projects at any time and take a hard or soft copy. You can do both.
Logical – Integrity is managed through verification procedures inside our application. Block level backups are run on small intervals, and full backups are prepared on a daily basis. If there are issues with data integrity, restore procedures are available and documented. All transactions are logged.
Redundancy – System redundancy is managed as a combination of hosting, backups and VM instances. The physical redundancy is managed by amazon (all hardware, internet access). System redundancy is manage with duplicated servers and redirects in case of downtime.
Backups – All document uploads are backed up inside the host amazon facility, with block level backups to a secondary facility with 5 minute increments. Database replication processes every database transaction to redundant servers, and additionally pushes the SQL logs to backup systems. Full system backups occur every evening, wiping SQL logs and refreshing backup systems.
Have a think about how safe, secure and available your project data is over time and how it compares to how DocBoss stores it.
Can you do it better?
Should you be doing it better but don’t know where to start?
Drop us a line if you’d like to learn more about how DocBoss can help you get a better handle on document control. There are a number of ways that DocBoss does it better and we’ll be happy to show you how.