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People who do not understand the full scope of document control (DC) may assume we just push documents through without looking at what we’re issuing.

Even if we are not responsible for the content of the documents we issue, we are responsible for the quality of the documents and the last pair of eyes to see a document on its way out. We are likely also the point of contact if something is wrong with it.

In my experience, engineers/responsible parties are grateful to have these errors pointed out by DC before it makes its way off to the client. What takes a few minutes to fix now can save possibly hours of work down the road.

So don’t feel bad having to send documents back to get clarification or corrections. It will save so much time and hassle while making the whole team look good in the eyes of the client!

Catching mistakes before the documents are issued can also avoid messy document registers and a lot of the rework companies face daily.

Below we’ll discuss specific items to consider regarding a checklist you can put together to ensure everything is covered.

Engineering Documents Checklist

File name

Document number

Tag numbers (vendor docs)

Revision number(s)




Stamps – if required

Issue purpose

Title – spelling/other obvious errors

Is this the first issue? If not, is the revision being issued in sequential order? Are you missing a revision?

File name – does it match the contents of the file? Are there extra spaces or symbols that could cause any issues

Document number – does it contain sheet numbers if necessary? does it match the file name? If discipline or other codes can be identified in the doc number nomenclature, is it correct?

Is the document initialed, signed and dated?

Is the P Eng stamp on the document if its IFC or AB?

Vendor Document Checklist

Is the doc code identified?

Is the revision in sequential order?

Are applicable tags identified clearly on the document or cover page?

Does the transmittal match what you’ve been provided?

Are the pages rotated?

If required, has the Responsible Engineer given them a quick once over to avoid unnecessary processing of documents that are not required?

Whether it’s a glaringly obvious mistake or a simple typo in the file name or title block, make sure it’s communicated with the responsible party and if deadlines allow, get that doc fixed before sending it out!

Checklists may not be the route your team chooses to take, but it’s a nearly fool proof way to confirm you’ve done your due diligence. It’s a visual reminder to check all pertinent information, ensuring even on your busiest of days, nothing is overlooked.