Edit Data via CSV When Using Values Containing Commas or Quotes Do you work with CSV (Comma Separated Values) files as part of your document control work?

Here’s how to deal with CSV files and some rules and tips to make your work with them easier!

Save file as CSV (Comma delimited)

To get proper format of CSV file for further uploading to DocBoss, please save your file using Save As ->CSV (Comma delimited) option.

Multiple values cell

If CSV file contains cells where multiple values are allowed, please use the following rules for entering values:

  • Use comma as delimiter between values inside cell.
  • If value contains comma inside itself – value should be framed in quotes ” “
    Example: Values for cell are Include A and Include B,C
    In Excel you should enter them as Include AInclude B,C
  • If value contains quote, but no commas inside – quote should be encoded with quote , no framing required
    Example: Values for cell are Include A and IncludeNew
    In Excel you should enter them as Include A, Include New
  • If value contains comma and quote inside itself – quote should be encoded with quote  and value should be framed in quotes ” “
    Example: Values for cell are Include A and Include B,”New
    In Excel you should enter them as Include AInclude B,New”