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Helpful DocBoss Features Customers Like The MostIn the course of working with DocBoss customers, we often get feedback regarding functionality and how they use DocBoss to their advantage. Below are some of the comments we’ve received recently from active customers who describe what they like about DocBoss.

File sharing delivery – If you have trouble sending or receiving large files, you’ll like. One of the delivery options for your submittals is for your customer to receive a link download option rather than emailing them a large file, that their ISP might reject. If you often run into file size limits, receipt tracking, etc this is where DocBoss can help. You can make the link active for a period of time so that it expires on a date picked by you, for security reasons. You can also receive an alert when the file is accessed so you know it has been delivered.

Multi project card report – DocBoss enables you to search across multiple projects to find what you need related to card data. To query card data across multiple projects, you can use this great feature to do so. It is always available by clicking the logo in the top right. In more general terms, one great benefit that DocBoss customers tend to like is the

The best thing is that multiple times per year, we make additions to DocBoss functionality and make all new features available to all DocBoss customers immediately, at no extra charge. Check out our release notes database that brings you up to date on all current and past releases to see what has been added.