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Import/Edit Project Document Code List via CSVThis article focuses on how you can import and edit the project document code list via a CSV file inside DocBoss.

The upload file has to contain the following fields in the specified order:

Doc Code Id (Do not Touch),Doc Code,Doc Code Name,Type,Tech Rev (Supplier),Docs For Approval,Printed for Review,Printed Final,Est. Pages,Delivery Days,Reference Date,Level,Highlight Delivery,Doc No. Override (Sub-Supplier),Review Type,Stage List,EQ Number,Cover Page / Stamps,Native file each sub,[any custom fields],Internal Code

Rules for building CSV:

  • Doc Code ID (Do not Touch) should present for records which you are going to overwrite. If empty – system will create new Doc Code
  • Type field expects one of the following values: Generated (Customer), Generated (Supplier)
  • Generated (Sub-Supplier), Published, SDI Report, Compilation. If empty the system will use default value from instance setup.
  • Cover Page / Stamps field expects one of the following values: Cover page only (no stamp), Stamp, else cover page, Stamp and cover page, No stamp and no cover page. If empty – system will use default value Cover page only (no stamp).
  • Tech Rev (Supplier), Docs For Approval, Highlight Delivery, Doc No. Override (Sub-Supplier), Native file each sub fields expect Y or N

The first line is treated as header and omitted, the rest of lines will be processed. The first line is treated as header and omitted, the rest of lines will be processed.

Please see how to specify values containing commas or quotes if use EXCEL for editing CSV

Max allowed file size is 400Mb.