When processing files returned from the customer, DocBoss expects that the page count has NOT changed. All details are explained here.
BUT, when processing documents returned from supplier default “expected cover pages” value is always set to “0” regardless how many cover pages was SENT to supplier.
So even if a document is sent with a cover page assigned, it will always default to expect “0” to be on return document.
Usually suppliers don’t add a cover page when returning documents but if some suppliers do add cover pages, the default can be changed to value 1 (or the number of cover pages they usually add to the documents).

During processing the incoming file from the supplier, information about actual pages and expected pages for the document and for the cover page will appear in the Processing pop-up.
If incoming pages doesn’t match, a warning message will show the expected pages in red:

The same is applicable when the files are processed in bulk. If the expected document pages or cover pages don’t match with the actual pages the line will be highlighted in red and if you hover over a warning message will inform about the error.
The actual pages and expected pages can be checked for the document and for the cover page in the grid.