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Working With Markups Inside DocBossHere are some recent updates we made for all DocBoss customers to assist with adding markups.

Below we’ll discuss two main points:

  • Export Markup Data to CSV
  • Download File with All Markups

Export Markup Data to CSV

Markup data, including both customer-added markups on files and internal DocBoss markups, can be extracted from documents and exported in CSV format. This simplifies the compilation of comment sheets for responses.

Download File with All Markups

Markups added in DocBoss are always applied to the file on submittal. Now when downloading the flattened file from a card, this includes markups added in the Viewer but not yet applied through submittal.

Want to learn more about markups in DocBoss? Here are additional articles we’ve written:

Adding Markups On Documents With DocBoss

Markups And Comments In Your Submittals

Can My Customer Use DocBoss To Markup Documents?

Markups and Comments: What’s The Difference?