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You won a new project with an EPC customer.

Fantastic news!

You have been awarded a new project with a client you have never worked with before!

Let the documentation fun begin!

It is best to have all the information at the start, especially the information that is pertinent to setting up for project documentation.

The obvious necessities are:

  1. Customer contact information. Ensure you have all the pertinent contact details for your customer and contacts taking part on the project.
  2. Document Requirements – Acceptable file formats, naming nomenclature (if any), submittal instructions, etc.
  3. VDRL or similar – A vendor document requirements list (VDRL) or other list identifying the document requirements for the project. Ideally, it will list the type of documents to be submitted, how many of each document is required (example 1 for the whole order, 1 per tag, any hard copy requirements, etc.), expected dates, and doc codes (if any).
  4. Equipment list – Whether working with tagged equipment or not, a list of equipment is important. This list should also contain model information, line numbers (if applicable), and vendor/sub-supplier information.

As we know, project documentation and equipment can change throughout the life of a project but it is necessary to have a starting point to get you going.

In addition to the project information, open lines of communication between internal departments, as well as your Customer, can really help the documentation execution run smoothly.

What other information do you find the most helpful when setting up a project with a new Client?

Let us know!

Finally, check out this article to see what setting up a new project in DocBoss actually looks like: Starting A New Project In DocBoss (Custom Settings)