If your customer requires a detailed table of contents (TOC) in a submittal, DocBoss can help. You have plenty of ways to customize a TOC to your customers’ liking.
To get here:
- In your project – Click Main Project Drop Down
- Click Index Reports & Compilations
- In Compilations List Grid, click the edit icon of applicable Compilation
- Scroll to section “Table of Contents and Bookmarks sections options”

You can also check out this article that specifically discusses configuring a table of contents: Configuring The Table of Contents In DocBoss
Depth of TOC
The depth of information to be displayed. In all layouts, there are at least 2 levels available: the doc code and the document. If you have added a section into the layout, there are 3 levels of data.
Doc Code
If you choose 3, the TOC will display all levels. If you set this value to 1, the system would only show the Section information in the TOC.
Depth of TOC numbering
Likewise with display of information, the TOC numbering patterns can be controlled by the same level concept. If set to “3” then it will auto-number to 3 levels. e.g.
1. Section
1.1. Doc Code
1. 1.1 Document
1. 1.2 Document
If you leave it blank (or set to 1) it only applies numbering to the first level
1. Section
Doc Code
If you don’t want to see any auto-numbering you must enter “0”
Depth of Bookmarking
The depth of bookmarking that will be set in your pdf. Similar to Depth of TOC, but this is what will be shown on the bookmarks
Hide first level of TOC numbers
Mark the check box if you do not want first level of TOC numbers to be shown (ie. if you added sections to your Compilation, do you want the sections to be numbered? If not, check this box)
Bookmark pattern for cover page entry
Select variable or type text to show on the cover page bookmark. For details on using an IF statement, see our article here.
Bookmark pattern for TOC entry
Select variable or type text to show on the TOC bookmark. For details on using an IF statement, see our article here.
TOC / Bookmark pattern for cards
If you are showing each card in the TOC, this will apply a naming convention. Often the doc number, revision, title and tag list variables are used here. The layout is similar to other variable based conventions in DocBoss. For details on using an IF statement, see our article here.
Suffix for NON-PDF files
What will be shown with any non-pdf files in the compilation
Append secondary codes (if they exist) to each card with suffix
Add secondary codes to the line on the TOC

If card has secondary codes, replicate the card TOC entry under EVERY secondary code with suffix
Lists the card under the primary code, and EVERY secondary doc code (result is one card with multiple listings on the TOC)

Suppress Cards in TOC
If you want to EXCLUDE the individual documents from your TOC, but want to show all levels of hierarchy enable this checkbox. This is particularly useful if you have differing levels of hierarchy, so you cannot simply limit the levels on display (via TOC level).
Show page numbers on the TOC
This allows you to select if you want to display the page numbering or not. In many cases, customers want a copy of the TOC at project initiation. While page numbers don’t really make much sense without documents, some customers like to see these numbers on the TOC. We extrapolate the expected page numbering from any docs inside the included cards, or the page number estimates as defined on the code list.
TOC/Bookmark pattern for doc code
Select variables for the pattern you wish to appear for each doc code on both the TOC and bookmarks
Append Included In Codes to Primary Code (if applicable) using suffix:

A list of “Included In Codes” will be added to the Primary Code if selected, for all doc codes that were marked as included in another doc code in the Code List.

To see the “Included In Codes” you must check the “Show N/A and Included In Codes”, then add the code(s) to the grid.

When Included In Codes are added to the compilation layout, add suffix to TOC/Code:
Select the suffix as you want it shown on the TOC

The result on the TOC once applied is:

When Not Applicable Codes are added to the compilation layout, add suffix to TOC/Code:
This will be shown beside any Doc Codes that were set as N/A. See example below

Other notable TOC options
To Hide a Doc Code from the TOC entirely

Once the first icon [1] is disabled, the second icon will appear.
The second icon [2] shows that the doc code is STILL treated as a section in the TOC.
If you want to HIDE the doc code from the TOC entirely, you will disable the second icon [3].

To see how these changes are reflected on the TOC, see below.

To start a section or doc code on a new page of the TOC – click the
icon beside the section or doc code name
To change the naming convention for SPECIFIC sections – [1] click the
icon and [2] edit the TOC/Bookmark pattern for each doc code
Sorting Options
For more information regarding sorting options please see the following article: Sorting Options in Compilations
New TOC Templates
Because of the level of control available for the table of contents, new templates must be created by the DocBoss staff using LaTeX. Reach out to support if you have a very specific customer template required for the project’s compilation.
Attach the Table of Contents to a Document Code
When generating the Compilation or TOC, if this template contains information related to the Card as Document number, Revision and Title, these will be added to the TOC only if the Compilation has been ATTACHED to a Doc Code.
If the Compilation is not yet attached to any Doc Code the file will be generated with the layout and the sections that have been selected, but will not contain the information related to the Card.