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Overview Of DocBoss User Levels And AccessUser roles are default permission sets available to users. To limit individual users’ access beyond their default role access limits, see the article on User Permissions.

With DocBoss, you can have as many of each user role as you like depending on how many projects you run and how your document control function is organized.


Here are popular topics related to user levels that you can access to learn more about each:

Definition of the user access levels




Relevant Links

Here are further resources to learn more about user levels:

Menu options per user role

Logo menu

Project menu

System menu


Definition of the user access levels

There are 4 user access levels available in DocBoss. Sorted by increasing levels of access, they are:


  • Full view access. Run reports, view/downloads.
  • Generally for managers/supervisors


All view user access, plus:

  • Can upload documents, and participate in review routing/approvals (be assigned documents)
  • Generally project managers, engineers, drafter


All review user access, plus:

  • Full project access. Create transmittals, setup / edit project details.
  • Generally doc control and/or project coordinators.
  • Or any user who needs to make submittals.

Menu options per user role

The tables below show which screens each user role has access to select from the major menus within DocBoss (logo menu, project menu, and system menu). Please note that the actual access users have on the different screens will vary depending on their role and individual permissions.

Logo menu

From the DocBoss logo menu, users of each role type have access to the following screens (note that available actions within each screen vary per role):

  Actions Dashboard X X X
  Project Dashboard X X X
  Project List X X X
  Multi-Project Card Report X X X
  Expedite Projects X
  Sign Documents X X
  Add New Project X


Project menu

From the DocBoss project menu, users of each role type have access to the following screens (note that available actions within each screen vary per role):

  Project Hub X X X
  Outstanding Actions X X X
  Index Reports & Compilations X X X
  Prices & Estimates X
  Code List (Requirements) X X X
  Card List X X X
  Card to Unit Changes X X X
  Obsolete Cards X X X
  Request Cards from Supplier X X X
Cards In/Out
  Incoming Documents X X X
  Outgoing Submittals X X X
  Equipment List X X X
  Levels X X X
Set Up
  Main X X X
  Stage Lists X X X
  [Customer] Return Statuses X X X
  Expedite Settings X X X
  Internal Approval Statuses X X X
  Distribution Lists X X X
  Project Template X X X
  Compilation & Package Presets X X X
  Routing Scenario X X X
  Card States X X X


System menu

From the DocBoss system menu, users of each role type have access to the following screens (note that available actions within each screen vary per role):

  Edit Your Profile X X X
  Allow Support Access  X*    
  Manage Users
  View Permissions
  Companies X X X
  Contacts X X X
  Relationships X X X
  Jobs X X X
  Manage Library X
  Library Folders X
  Project Metrics X
  Assignment Activity (By User) X
  Security Settings
  Stage Lists X
  Distribution Lists
  Compil. & Package Presets (List)
  Queries List
  Custom Levels
  Routing Scenario
  Generation Status X
  Other Lists
  Project (Main) Fields
  Doc Code/Card Fields
  Equipment Fields
  Custom Lists (for fields)
  Project Templates X
  Output Templates X

*May not be available for some users if “Allow other users to grant system access to DocBoss support” is disabled under Admin > Security Settings.

**Only available if Security Settings permission enabled under user’s profile.

Here’s another article that might interest you on a related topic: Compilations Per Level Inside DocBoss