Apply A Stamp In DocBoss (Step By Step Guide)This article explains the steps to applying stamps. Please keep in mind, for the stamps to show on the documents (not just a preview), they must be sent via outgoing submittals. It is during this process DocBoss adds the stamp you apply to the document. 

Apply stamp from thumbnail

  1. Ensure the viewer is enabled. Stamps can only be applied in the viewer (either in the thumbnail, or the full document view).Snag_24b3c0ce.pngSnag_24b5bf5d.png
  2. Click the stamp icon to enter stamp placement viewSnag_24b6a623.png
  3. The yellowed box shows the default stamp size and allows the user to place it on the document. The stamp can be resized IF assigned in the full view.
  4. If the system is requesting a stamp, the user can select “No space for stamp”, or “Stamp not needed” to satisfy the stamp request. Also if you wish to remove and re-apply the stamp, choose “Remove stamp”.
  5. Once you have completed the stamp, click the checkbox to save


Stamp sizing when tag list is too long for available space

If the stamp needs to be larger than the default to accommodate a larger than anticipated auto size field (i.e. tag list), a warning will be provided on submittal. The user will be provided with a new stamp size, and be asked to re-place the stamp.

Additional time required on submittal

The analysis of the stamp size and the application of the stamp can add some time the submittal processing.

Apply stamp in assign slide in (when viewer is enabled)

Users can see the fully populated stamp once the document has been assigned to the card. At this time, DocBoss will generate a preview of all data, allowing you to resize the stamp if desired.

As you have noticed, when applying the stamp to an UNASSIGNED file – you only see the preview of the stamp with the variable names.



Once it has been assigned to the card, the variables will populate with applicable information! Allowing you to view exactly how it will look on output. NOTE: Enable the viewer on the assign slide in to see this data.


Note: Stamps are applied much like cover pages. Upon submittal, DocBoss will place the stamp on the document. Until the submittal process, the stamps are only visible in the document preview.

If option “Stamp, else cover page” or “Stamp and cover page” are selected on the Code, and Stamp is not applied during the submittal, DocBoss will warn you in the Outgoing Submittal grid that Stamp is missing.

In case of “Stamp, else cover page” the line in the Outgoing Submittal grid will be yellow:



And in case of “Stamp and cover page” the line in the Outgoing Submittal grid will be red:


Looking for a few other resources on adding an engineering stamp to your outgoing docs? Here they are:

How To Add An Engineering Stamp To A Document

Adding Stamps To Outgoing Documents For Every Project

Cover Page And Stamp Preference For Each Document Code (DocBoss)