We’ve talked this year about short-term trends particularly related to documentation and technology in 2016. Since IT decisions tend to something that requires a longer-term focus, what are expected trends in IT world into the next decade? A.T. Kearney has some thoughts on the subject discussing not only the continued rise of digital applications but the growing importance of IT decisions and the related increased investment companies will plan for:
A new A.T. Kearney study reveals that over the next seven years, two-thirds of companies expect to invest more in IT in all areas along the value chain, but especially in sales and customer interactions. The moral of this story is that as IT gets a bigger slice of the corporate budget, expectations will rise, and even the smallest miscalculation about IT priorities will put the whole company at risk.
For your business, does an increase in customer interactions mean more collaboration? Increased customization? More submittals? All of the above?
IT decisions – software more specifically – are something that have gone from being an IT-specific decision to one that many if not all parts of companies need to be aware of and on board with. Often the biggest challenge once new software is installed – assuming it’s not the actual rollout/installation itself – is ensuring that the application is compatible with other apps and is actually used by staff.
As we’ve mentioned with DocBoss, the rollout/installation part is virtually eliminated since it’s a web-based application that you log into through your browser and involves nothing to download, patch, maintain or upgrade since all ongoing upgrades and updates are handled seamlessly by us. Once document controllers start using DocBoss, the uptake part takes care of itself as they see the benefits to their document control work.