Create manual cards in DocBoss
Once clicked, a window will open with the option to download the CSV file (as it currently exists). This provides the correct column headers and will be populated with any existing data.
There are 30+ columns on the CSV (excel sheet) download (more if you have custom columns created). If you already have cards set up on the project they will be populated in the CSV file (just leave them as they are displayed). The only columns you need to enter contain an asterisk in the header – they are mandatory columns.
- Primary Doc Code(ID)* – The DocCode the card is linked to
- Equipment Number* – what is to be displayed as the reference for the card (typically the name of the Major Tag Field OR Tag if you’re adding Tagged Equipment Units)
- Sub Supplier* – The sub-supplier associated with the item
- Major Tag Field* – The Major Tag value (if multiple separated by a comma) OR Tag List if you’re adding Tagged Equipment Units
- StageList* – The Stage List to be applied to the card
- <INSTANCE> Doc #* – Doc Number, you can enter manually or Use [generate] if you want system generated number to populate automatically (based on set up pattern).
Uploading Manual Cards:
- Doc Code = B01 – General Arrangement Drawings
- Eq Number = Major Tag Field (this is the column header or Major Tag category you created) OR Tag if you’re adding Tagged Equipment Units
- Sub-Supplier = Sub Y
- Major Tag = Major Tag 1, Major Tag 2 (these are the major tag values you added) OR Tag List if you’re adding Tagged Equipment Units = Tag 1, Tag 2
- Stage List = For Info/Review
- Doc Number = [generate] (or you can enter your doc number manually)
It is ideal to use this feature if you have a lot of cards you want to create. You can add as many lines as you want, they will all upload at the same time.
Once all applicable data has been added save the csv file and then use the Import feature. Below the grid click the Edit data via CSV button, browse for the new file and click save.
Note: Once the manual card has been created, you cannot edit the tag numbers via CSV using the “Tag List” column. Any changes to the tags will need to be done in the “Line No. List” column and DocBoss will update the tags associated with those line numbers. For more information on editing cards via CSV click here.
For an in depth review of how to edit your data using the csv upload click here.
If the some of the Manual Cards are documents (i.e drawings) that have multiple pages related to one piece of equipment, these can be easily uploaded using “Make Sheet of previous row” in the CSV: How to upload multiple sheets for manual cards
For more information about incoming files have a look at our video: Manual Cards
You might also find this related article of use: Copy a Card (Create Copy) or Create a New Sheet