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Explanation of Levels in DocBossIn DocBoss, a Level is The value that DocBoss uses to create cards from doc codes. For example, if the customer requires one drawing per tag, use “tag” as the level for the drawing doc code.

We’ve already discussed the topic of What Is A Level n DocBoss, and we encourage you to check out this article for a full explainer.

You can also create Custom Levels in DocBoss. We use custom levels to subdivide and classify your units when there are alternate requirements past the default levels we automatically provide.

How do you set a level in DocBoss? Auto-Generated cards are created by selecting a Level for each Doc Code on the Code List (Requirements) grid. It allows users to leverage project data to automate the master document list (or index). When the Equipment List (supply component) of a project includes many items, with several documents for each item, the auto-generation tool delivers a lot of value.

The compilations system is built around auto-generated cards (using levels to connect all the data). If a compilation has to be generated by Major Tag and the cards included in it have been created using both levels of equipment (Major Tags and Tagged Equipment Units) we recommend choosing Major Tag level for the compilation doc codes.

Hopefully, these articles get you started to help you learn about how to use Levels within DocBoss, and the importance of them.

Below is a short video called Using Custom Levels to Create Procedure Registers. It discusses how to create custom levels available for all projects, import custom levels to a project, use major tags with custom levels, link equipment to custom levels’ references (manually or with a query), and apply a custom level to a doc code.