Key Areas to Improve Your Document Control Work
Here are the three main areas of improvement for process equipment suppliers to focus on to handle document control more efficiently.
Here are the three main areas of improvement for process equipment suppliers to focus on to handle document control more efficiently.
Whether you’re a supplier of process equipment (manufacturer, fabricator, distributor, rep) who submits custom engineering documentation to customers or if you an EPC who receives documentation from your vendors, doing documentation better will make both you and your counterparts on the either side happier.
Prior to 1980, document control was a time-consuming and haphazard function with no technology to assist and few actual controls in place.
We’ve talked in the past how you can add structure to document control with DocBoss especially in the case where you are new to document control or where you really don’t have documented or formalized processes to turn to.
Last fall, we updated our website with a more modern look with new features and tools for DocBoss users to access. Part of the new website includes a Support section with some great new features that anyone interested in doing document control work better can access and benefit from.