by Carl Mueller | Feb 20, 2023 | Product Tips & Tricks
Some customers have requested that they identify the process which they will be submitting the documents of a transmittal. We have added a selection called Delivery Medium strictly for output purposes on transmittals. There is no functional impact of this choice...
by Carl Mueller | Feb 10, 2023 | Product Tips & Tricks
Customers periodically ask how they should set up their file structure for saving submittals on their server. While not technically required, it’s a good practice. DocBoss of course saves a copy of your submitals on our server but you can also download them on...
by Carl Mueller | Feb 2, 2023 | Product Tips & Tricks
Using an email address from your domain (Important!) For DocBoss to send email using your normal email address ( instead of, you must enable both SPF and DKIM records on your domain. These settings are required to minimize...
by Carl Mueller | Jan 30, 2023 | Product Tips & Tricks
You can test the cover page for any card within DocBoss. First navigate to the card history screen. You can do this by clicking the history icon in the tools column of the card list for any specific card. Its nice to open a few cards with different tag lists –...
by Carl Mueller | Jan 26, 2023 | Product Tips & Tricks
Yes, DocBoss users can update previously submitted documents submittal dates. Updating it on the outgoing submittal will then update the date in the card history and all templates (SDI and in document cover pages added during submittal and also in compilation cover...