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Markups (Annotations and Comments) in DocBossIn DocBoss we distinguish between markups and comments and allow both. This article will focus on some useful features related to markups.

You have the ability to add markups to most files. These consist of annotations (the vector drawing) and comment.

  1. Markups are only available in the full viewer
  2. Click the box to enable the markup interface
  3. Click and drag on the document to create the annotation. Note that the box is the only annotation style available. The color is specific for each user. The color is designated on the user profile. This option will be available in January 2018.
  4. Enter a comment if desired.
  5. To save your comment, click the checkbox. To delete the entire annotation, click the garbage can. To simply escape without a comment (but leave the annotation) click the x.


Viewing markups

Users can cycle through comments from other users.

  1. Icon showing the number of comments on this version of the document
  2. Cycle through markups/comments
  3. User/timestamp of markup
  4. Edit comment / delete markup. To remove comment only – edit, delete text and save.
  5. The highlighted annotation is related to the viewed markup. The number and the size of the number box help indicate the relevant annotation.

Including markups in outgoing submittals and compilations

By default, markups WILL be included in the outgoing submittal. They will appear as numbered markers in the PDF file (WITHOUT the associated box/annotation). A page will be added to the outgoing document with a list of the comments (numbered). This is to ensure that recipients with less capable PDF viewers are aware of all annotations.

By default, annotations will NOT be included in compilations. This is an option which can be changed on the edit compilation screen.

Screens which support annotations

The assign screen, the assign pop up, and the outstanding actions interface all support annotations.

We have plenty of other resources available that discuss how to use markups (and comments). Here are some of our most popular ones:

Adding Markups On Documents With DocBoss

Markups And Comments In Your Submittals

Can My Customer Use DocBoss To Markup Documents?