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9 Reasons to Choose DocBoss

DocBoss was designed by experience for suppliers of tagged process equipment. Here are 9 reasons why DocBoss could be right for you: Niche Problem, Niche Solution DocBoss was built by your industry peers – we know how rigid the rules can be for submitting vendor...

Can I Use Sharepoint For Document Control?

Sharepoint is a web application associated with collaboration and sharing of information, not on document control and submission. Sharepoint also requires the implementation of third party applications to give it the same functionality that comes standard with...

Revision Numbers In Customer Documentation

Does your customer include the revision number in their actual document number? If so, DocBoss can help you to essentially keep your best practices while still accommodating your customer’s requests even if they don’t match your practices. For example,...

Handle Internal Document Workflow With Ease

During projects, it’s likely that you may have internal stakeholders who need to review documents, make changes and additions, approve them and send them on to another colleague for their input. DocBoss enables you to do all of this and more. If you look at the...

Be The Boss Of Your Documentation

DocBoss project dashboard DocBoss has a great project dashboard to enable you and your colleagues to properly track and manage all projects at any given time. You can quickly search for any live project that is actively running to check on the status and see what...