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What Do EPCs Think?

We produced a detailed survey entitled Supplier vs EPC, Why is Vendor Documentation so Painful? that discusses the issues that suppliers of process equipment and the EPCs that they serve have with one another. In addition to identifying the biggest pain points from...

Handling Document Routing With Ease

As projects increase in size and scope, more people get involved and more documents are passed back and forth for approval. Document changes occur that lead to more back and forth and another set of approvals must occur. As documents are returned from your customers,...

How Manual Is Your Document Control Work?

I recently had a conversation with a potential customer about their document control work and one of their (growing) problems is the (increasingly) manual nature of their work. In particular, they mentioned that they have a new customer who requires custom headers on...

Using Custom Levels to Create Procedure Registers

DocBoss creates most document registers automatically for your projects. Users select a level for each document code and DocBoss creates a register for each unique value called “Registers.” Here is a video we put together in the past to show how you can...

Reactive Versus Proactive Document Control

Focus on when documents are due and expediting them, not waiting for them to be expedited. DocBoss tracks all “in process” documents, defines expected documents and sets delivery targets. Sends alerts and status reports to keep the project on track. You know the...