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The DocBoss Blog

How Do You Put A Dollar Amount On Document Control?

As a Document Control Lead for an Engineering company, I was often tasked with assisting in the estimating of Document Control costs for my group. It was a huge challenge trying to predict how much time and effort would be required. A lot of our job was reactionary at...

April 2021 New Release Notification

DocBoss has released our latest update for April 2021 which is now available for all customers. Below is a quick overview of the changes. The link at the bottom takes you to full release notes with more detail. We've made updates to Card management so that you now...

Pump Selection White Paper

Pump Selection White Paper

Most industry estimates peg energy as the largest single factor in pump life cycle cost — ranging from 40 percent to as high as 90 percent depending on the pump style and application. Pumps & Systems While US consumption of electricity dropped sharply in 2020 due...

How Do You Manage Project Documents Within Your Team?

Managing EPC project documents within your own team is just as important as issuing them externally. When a customer returns documents to you, is it difficult to keep track of each document while ensuring that it get properly handled by the appropriate staff member?...

Ensure Document Delivery Every Time

DocBoss ensures your customers receive and access the documentation you send them. When working with customers by email, everyone has a case of a document not being received. With DocBoss, you send email notifications directly to your customers. Customers click on a...

5 Things EPCs Can Do Better To Help Their Suppliers

Engineering companies (EPCs) need to find a method to discuss document requirements after the equipment supplier has been selected and before the project begins. Looking at it another way, here are 5 suggestions that suppliers of process equipment can make to their...

Having Trouble Managing Documents?

How much time do you spend searching for engineering documents related to your projects? If you don't know offhand you're not alone. Research has shown that workers may spend around 1 full work day per week searching for information: The average interaction worker...

Reduce Errors With Internal Review Workflow

Not only does internal routing remove the human error aspect of document processing (including the wrong reviewer/missing a reviewer), but it also saves time for everyone involved. Using DocBoss’ Internal Review Workflow ensures accuracy and creates a way to track...

Mapping Internal Codes With DocBoss

DocBoss customers regularly get access to new features and benefits that we add to the system as part of our regular releases. Earlier this year, we updated the Interface and added the ability for users to apply mapping codes directly from the source code list. Please...

9 Reasons to Choose DocBoss

DocBoss was designed by experience for suppliers of tagged process equipment. Here are 9 reasons why DocBoss could be right for you: Niche Problem, Niche Solution DocBoss was built by your industry peers – we know how rigid the rules can be for submitting vendor...

Can I Use Sharepoint For Document Control?

Sharepoint is a web application associated with collaboration and sharing of information, not on document control and submission. Sharepoint also requires the implementation of third party applications to give it the same functionality that comes standard with...

Revision Numbers In Customer Documentation

Does your customer include the revision number in their actual document number? If so, DocBoss can help you to essentially keep your best practices while still accommodating your customer's requests even if they don't match your practices. For example, your customer...

Handle Internal Document Workflow With Ease

During projects, it's likely that you may have internal stakeholders who need to review documents, make changes and additions, approve them and send them on to another colleague for their input. DocBoss enables you to do all of this and more. If you look at the...

Be The Boss Of Your Documentation

DocBoss project dashboard DocBoss has a great project dashboard to enable you and your colleagues to properly track and manage all projects at any given time. You can quickly search for any live project that is actively running to check on the status and see what...

DocBoss Customers Like The Custom Databooks Feature

Last week we spoke about how DocBoss helps you assemble custom databooks for your customers at the end of projects. Since then we had a few nice comments from customers regarding what they like about the DocBoss databooks features. Several customers have recently...

Are you charging for your document work?

Suppliers often roll the costs for document control into the overall project cost. While this is suitable for large custom equipment, the costs for document control quickly become unsupportable for high volume, smaller equipment. The DocBoss quote module allows users...

Handling Customized Databooks With Ease

How difficult and time-consuming is it to provide custom databooks to your customers? As submittal packages grow in size and customization the time spent on them increases accordingly. Your current document control processes might no longer suffice as a result. As how...

Data Storage With DocBoss

How do you store and distribute project documents when a project has been completed? Some customers might like information mailed or emailed to them. Maybe you need to prepare a CD for a project. Or maybe you’re just done with DocBoss for awhile… At any point, you can...

4 Quick Tips for Using Microsoft Excel and SDIs

I was working with a client the other day and was surprised by the Supplier Document Index (SDI) they had been asked to complete for a project. I am not a Microsoft Excel expert by any means but if you are sending an SDI that others should use for tracking, there are...

Focused largely on tagged equipment, DocBoss minimizes the manual work required to deliver project documentation.

We are here to answer any questions you may have about DocBoss and how we can help you improve your document control workflow.

Contact Info

Toll-Free: 1-(888) 800-2506

Office Location

Suite 375
440 10816 Macleod Trail SE
Calgary AB Canada
T2J 5N8

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