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The DocBoss Blog

Ignored Values (Placeholders) Inside DocBoss Updated

This is an updated article that discusses ignored values (placeholders) inside DocBoss. If a user uploads an equipment list that includes placeholder values in the Tag field (NA, N/A, etc.), they can add these values under Admin > Other Lists > Ignored Values to...

Output Settings In DocBoss (How To Use Them)

What are output settings in DocBoss and when do you use this feature? This section allows you to select your templates (to use for outgoing documents, Cover Pages, Transmittals, Transmittal Emails, etc). If your customer has a specific template that they have...

October 2023 Release Notification

DocBoss is happy to announce our latest release for October 2023. All updates are now available for all DocBoss customers. You can view all current and past releases by visiting our DocBoss release database. All releases come with descriptions and screenshots to show...

Setting the FROM: Email Address In DocBoss

When you send a submittal notification from DocBoss, we allow you to set the FROM email address. Your options are: User Email Address (the user that is managing the project). Note you must have SPF and DKIM entries on your domain - see here...

How To Merge And Split Instance(s) – Transition Process

In situations where companies request to merge or split existing instances, the steps in this article help with getting the new instance set up for use. This article assumes that the company is: Merging two (or more) existing instances into one, OR Splitting one...

Assigning Multiple Files To A Card With DocBoss

Assign active, native AND comment files from the file staging area (multi drag/drop) When assigning files, if the user multi-selects 2 or more files and drags them onto a card, DocBoss will ask for the destination for each file. This allows you to upload comment and...

How To Choose User Levels With DocBoss

Depending on your needs, you can have as many named DocBoss users as you like and can also choose which level of access to provide to each user. The way you use DocBoss will in part be determined by your user role. The lists below offer suggestions for getting...

August 2023 Release Notification

DocBoss is happy to announce our latest release for August 2023. All updates are now available for all DocBoss customers. You can view all current and past releases by visiting our DocBoss release database. All releases come with descriptions and screenshots to show...

Using Templates in DocBoss

The templates feature in DocBoss is a popular way to save commonly used docs and quickly locate them to use again in the future. This saves you having to start from scratch or search for them each time. Here's a few articles we've written regarding popular template...

Document Auto-Numbering Format

Does your document control work often involve dealing with custom numbering formats supplied by your customers? The Document Auto-Numbering Format allows you to automatically assign document numbers (and/or your own internal) by using variable configurations described...

Supporting Remote Work In The Oil & Gas Business

How can oil and gas companies ensure that their documentation processes are accessible and secure for remote workers, who may be located in different regions or time zones? As the oil and gas industry becomes increasingly digitized and decentralized, remote work is...

Select Transmittal Templates on Project

The templates feature inside DocBoss can be used in a number of different ways to save documents that you would like to use repeatedly during current and future projects. It's a time-saver and helps to conveniently organize your frequently-used docs. Below, we'll...

Testing Transmittal Templates With DocBoss (Submittals)

DocBoss users can test transmittal templates without needing to actually complete a submittal. Before testing, the template will need to be uploaded into DocBoss and then added to a project under the appropriate template type (customer or sub-supplier). Steps Navigate...

Why Is My User Not Appearing In The Default User List?

Earlier this week we spoke about the topic called How To Enable Affiliate Permissions if you are a DocBoss customer with affiliate companies that you work with. Today, we'll quickly show you how to address the issue where a DocBoss user is not appearing in the default...

How To Enable Affiliate Permissions for a User

Affiliate companies can be created in DocBoss if you need to set different outputs based on internal companies. This will allow you to use different Code List/Names on output documents as well as various general default settings. Currently only the outgoing email...

Focused largely on tagged equipment, DocBoss minimizes the manual work required to deliver project documentation.

We are here to answer any questions you may have about DocBoss and how we can help you improve your document control workflow.

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440 10816 Macleod Trail SE
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