The DocBoss Blog
Cloud Computing Market to Hit $172 billion in 2021
Research company Statista reports that they expect the global cloud computing market to hit $172.1 billion USD in 2021. Cloud computing has become widely accepted over the past number of years and with the effects of COVID-19 forcing more people to work from home,...
Build The Perfect Document List Quickly And Easily
Of specific importance to suppliers with many similar pieces of equipment (instrumentation, valves, HVAC), DocBoss allows you to automate the creation of your full document list and tracks the document specific impact of equipment change orders. Check out this short...
How DocBoss Manages Workflow
DocBoss offers a number of benefits to users regarding workflow and submittals. Unlike non-document control specific applications DocBoss was designed with companies who submit documents to customers at the end of projects in mind. More specifically DocBoss helps you...
Technology Trends for 2021
Back in October 2020 as economies around the world appeared to be several months into reopening and kids were back at school, Gartner published an article detailing the 9 major trends they see occurring during 2021 regarding technology. Needless to say the effects of...
Cloud Computing Trends for 2021
Now that we're 2 months into 2021, let's have a look at expected trends during this year relevant to both document control and cloud computing. 2021 is expected to see a continued increase in the adoption of cloud based computing. In particular, as cloud computing...
January 2021 New Release Notification
DocBoss has released our latest update for January 2021 which is now available for all customers. Below is a quick overview of the changes. The link at the bottom takes you to full release notes with more detail. eSignatures DocBoss now allows eSignatures to be...
Does Your Company Take Document Control Seriously?
I came across an interesting discussion on LinkedIn recently. A document controller made a comment and posted a graphic about how document controllers have a gatekeeper role and play an important part in managing documentation projects. There were some interesting...
How Has Remote Work Affected Document Control?
2020 was an interesting year to say the least for anyone who was "lucky" enough to experience it. For anyone working in an office environment, chances are you spent at least part of the year working remotely from home. Some of you might still be working remotely as we...
DocBoss security updates for all customers
While in the recent past, security was the number one concern for most people when considering use of a web-based application, current concerns tend to focus on functionality, scalability, usability with other applications and things of that nature. Security is still...
Do You Customize Cover Pages On Customer Documents?
If you find that your customers increasingly demand customized documentation, how easy is it for you to handle this work? Customized cover pages are often something that customers request with their documentation. Here's how DocBoss helps in that regard. Add cover...
Handling Outgoing Submittals And Incoming Docs
DocBoss enables you to handle all outgoing documents to your customers while also managing incoming documents that they send or return to you. Here are some recent additions that DocBoss customers all have access to. Outgoing Submittals Our document control research...
How DocBoss Handles Customer Packages
Upon receiving the return of a DocBoss created package, users can automate the re-allocation of each document to its original card. To review how to create packages with DocBoss, click here. Here is the screen shot of the PACKAGE sent to the customer. Assign returned...
Oil Market To Recover Later in 2021
Happy New Year! After a year dominated by COVID headlines, most people around the world wonder what 2021 has in store in terms of their health, the economy and where the world is headed in general terms. The International Energy Agency (IEA) currently projects that...
Can You Auto-Create Packages For Your Customers?
Assume you have a drawing for each tag, but your customer requires that you submit only ONE PACKAGE containing all drawings (sorted by tag numbers). DocBoss makes this process easier by helping you manage each individual drawing (upload them into separate...
Can You Manage Your Projects From A Dashboard? (With DocBoss You Can)
Whew! Carrying on with the tiles available on the project dashboard, the project hub is a new landing page designed to provide actionable data for your document controllers. What documents are overdue, and who is behind on the required actions? Refine the information...
Easily Handle Equipment Lists With DocBoss
Create combination columns There are times when the data from your system exists in 2 columns. Rather than combine it prior to upload, DocBoss now allows you to concatenate existing data into a new column result. On the project template, you select the source columns...
Sub-Supplier Portal For DocBoss Vendors
Do your vendors supply you with documents and also request documentation from you for a particular project? If so, you may benefit from a new DocBoss feature now available to all customers. The sub-supplier portal provides a secure location for your vendors to upload...
Manual Cards for Tagged Equipment
Add Manual cards (link to either major tags or tagged equipment) Manual cards allow users to add (or upload) cards, while manually selecting the appropriate doc codes, and tags. This function has existed strictly for use with the Major Tags module, but now - users can...
Pressure Vessel Market To Experience Strong Growth into 2027
The global pressure vessels market size is expected to reach USD 250.6 billion by 2027 registering a CAGR of 5.2%. Research and Markets Even with the continued effects of COVID-19, the global pressure vessel market is expected to grow by a 5.2% compounded annual...
December 2020 New Release Notification
DocBoss has released our latest update for December 2020 which is now available for all customers. This release focuses on several areas of functionality that have been added, namely: Automated Expediting The core function for this release is our expediting module!...
Focused largely on tagged equipment, DocBoss minimizes the manual work required to deliver project documentation.
We are here to answer any questions you may have about DocBoss and how we can help you improve your document control workflow.
Contact Info
Toll-Free: 1-(888) 800-2506
Office Location
Suite 375
440 10816 Macleod Trail SE
Calgary AB Canada
T2J 5N8